2410 S. 9th St. Lafayette, IN 47909 : 765.474.2496

Knights Cafe is no longer available after school

Knights Cafe is no longer available after school

Attention CC Parents & Students

Due to a number of issues including: safety of students, behavior problems, and student grades, we will no longer be offering Knights Cafe after school beginning on January 3rd when we return from Christmas Vacation. Knights Cafe was in the cafeteria after school each day. Students were permitted to stay until their ride arrived or until they started athletic practice. Attendance was not taken and students were permitted to come and go as they pleased. This was supervised by a CC Teacher each day. Study Tables are also available during this time for a quiet place for students to study, also supervised by a CC Teacher each day.

Beginning January 3rd, we will offer two rooms for Study Tables where students can go to work on homework or read quietly. Attendance (check in and out) will be taken. Use of cell phones will not be permitted during Study Tables. Students will be permitted to leave when a ride arrives or if they need to attend a practice. All students will be asked to exit the building if not in an athletic practice or Study Tables. Any student who attends Study Tables and does not follow the guidelines for staying quiet and not using their cell phone will be asked to leave and a parent will be notified. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up after school each day if you do not want them to attend Study Tables. Thank you.

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