2410 S. 9th St. Lafayette, IN 47909 : 765.474.2496

Campus Ministry

Friday is CC All Schools Mass – UPDATED info

Friday is CC All Schools Mass – UPDATED info

Please remind your students to wear their Mass uniform on Friday.   Tomorrow is our yearly celebration of the Mass with CC and our Elementary Schools.  Mass will begin at 9am in McHale Gym.  You are welcome to join us.      

Senior Retreat

Senior Retreat

Attention Seniors:  If you are attending the retreat this weekend. Please be at CC at 7:30 Sunday in the front entry way.

You’re invited to the Central Catholic Seniors’ presentation of the Living Way of the Cross!  

You’re invited to the Central Catholic Seniors’ presentation of the Living Way of the Cross!  

Please join us on Thursday, March 28th at 10:15am.  Parents and guests are welcome to attend, and are asked to sit in the loft bleachers on the northside of McHale Gymnasium.  Accomodations can be made for those who are unable to take the stairs.  We hope to see you there for this moving depiction of […]

Corporal Works of Mercy Newsletter

Corporal Works of Mercy Newsletter

Here is this week’s Corporal Works of Mercy newsletter from Sister Lenore: https://stlaw.lcss.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/CRS-Parent-News-March-24-28.pdf

Catholic Schools Week at CC

Catholic Schools Week at CC

Click below for information about the everything happening during Catholic Schools Week. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FgIjyyegUYHxU2G2sHXE-Tuihhdq4Rwaz71RqfZqmN0/edit?usp=sharing Copy of Catholic Schools Week Family Packet 2024.  (PDF version)

Attention Junior Parents! This Weekend Mtg!!

Attention Junior Parents! This Weekend Mtg!!

There will be a MANDATORY meeting regarding the Junior Search Retreat in October.  There are two opportunities to attend this meeting.  The first opportunity is Sunday, October 15th at 7:00pm, in the CC Chapel.  The second opportunity is Monday, October 16th at 9:30am, in the CC Cafeteria.  Please plan for at least one parent or […]

Calling All Juniors

Calling All Juniors

There will be a bonfire on Sunday, October 15th, from 5:00-8:00pm. Please join the Seniors in fellowship as we prepare for the Search Retreat!  Check the flyers in CM or Theology for more information.