2410 S. 9th St. Lafayette, IN 47909 : 765.474.2496

Riley Service Project Update

Riley Service Project Update

Last year, with just CC collecting donations, we were able to collect 230 items.  I am so glad to announce that, this year, we more than doubled that.  We had 505 donations – 71 from the preschool and 434 from CC!

Some of Riley’s top needs were Legos, colored pencils, and Uno cards.  We collected over 70 boxes of Legos and so many Uno decks and colored pencils.  The Cheer Guild expressed immense gratitude for this.

As promised, the 10:10 that brought in the most would get donuts and that was Frau’s 10:10 with 43 items.

Thank-you so much for everyone who contributed in any way.  It means the world to the children.
Aubrey Alexander, 11th grade.

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